F1 - List of hotkeys
F2 – Takes a screenshot and dumps it to My Docs\My Games\BBCBA. (See user text info for options)
F3 - Debug current unit script
F4 - Debug AI script
F5 - Debug scenario script
F6 - Toggle script log window
Shift-F7 - shows some AI info
F7 - reveals all units and associated Team.
CTRL + F2 - Capture stream for video
CTRL + Left Click Unit - Open info panel for unit (click and hold and drag panel)
M – Toggles the overhead map view.
SHIFT+3 - Toggles ground level view.
TAB – Cycles through units which have not moved yet this turn.
ESC – Opens the menu. (save, easy button, sound options)
J – Toggles the mini map.
1 – Shows the tiles the current unit can see and which ones it can shoot.
SHIFT – When using the bombard command this shows the spread area for the bombard attack.
Insert - Casualty list (also number pad 0)
Enter - End turn